From the publisher: "An ambitious Sith rebel, Spinner, is about to upset the balance of a lost tribe of Sith. When he is arrested for treason and sent away on a prisoner vessel, thoughts of overcoming his station, destroying the Tribe, and even finding a way to escape into the galaxy lead Spinner to a powerful, long-forgotten weapon. A rival stowaway Sith on that same vessel has her own ideas about the future of the Tribe. They don't need eradication; they need a new leader — her"
I haven't read a lot of the old stories from the Star Wars universe, particularly the Sith, so I was looking forward to reading The Lost Tribe of the Sith. I was curious how the Miller could make the evil Sith interesting main characters. Well, they really weren't that interesting. The story was a standard good guy vs. bad guy tale, without even a twist to keep me in suspense. The characters, Sith (both bad and benevolent), Jedi (both dark and light), and regular characters were all two-dimensional. There was very little character development, and I didn't really care what happened to anyone in the story. The art was okay, but nothing special.
This story was average at best. I would only recommend it to the Star Wars enthusiast.
I received a review copy of this book from Netgalley and Titan Books in exchange for an honest review.
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