From the publisher: The experimental subjects code-named Apollo and Midnighter have broken cover. Combat-optimized superhumans are now loose on the Earth.
The Wild Storm #21 puts us just a handful of issues from the end of Warren Ellis's reboot/retelling/update of the Wild Storm universe, and he's crammed just about everything he possibly could into this series. This particular issue continues it's focus on Jenny Sparks, Shen/The Doctor, Jack Hawksmoor, and Angie Spica. These four characters, plus Midnighter and Apollo, formed the original Authority. And it looks like that is where Ellis is heading, as Jenny's group are looking to make contact with the other two. Along with Jack, Apollo and Midnighter are Skywatch experiments that, for one reason or another, no longer work, for or are a part of, Skywatch. We once again get a quick glimpse at Miles Craven and IO, as well as Henry Bendix and Skywatch. Oh, and a major war between the two is on the verge of occurring.
This series is a fun ride, and it's a callback (at least to me) to some of the more over-the-top stories and situations that Ellis told in his original run on Stormwatch and The Authority. Larger than life characters, bizarre situations, and ridiculous fights made those books huge hits. The Wild Storm continues the tradition as Ellis continues to build to a massive climax. I've said it before, but I have absolutely no idea how he's going to wrap this story up. Ellis has what seems like a gazillion plates spinning and he somehow needs to address them all. I mean, where has Marlowe and his Wild CAT group, featuring Grifter/Cole Cash, been? And I don't remember seeing Zealot anywhere recently, nor John Lynch, who I believe was last seen tracking down other powered individuals.
Regardless, The Wild Storm #21 is another fun comic. Warren Ellis is doing a wonderful job, and I, for one, am anxious to see how the story plays out over the next few issues. Grab a copy and don't get left behind.
I received a preview copy of this book from DC Comics in exchange for an honest review.
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