Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Sky on Fire by Jenn Lyons - Book Review

From the publisher:Enter a world ruled by dragons…

The Sky on Fire is a daring new fantasy heist adventure that will thrill fans of Temeraire, Fourth Wing, and Dragonriders of Pern

Anahrod lives only for survival, forging her own way through the harsh jungles of the Deep with her titan drake by her side. Even when an adventuring party saves her from capture by a local warlord, she is eager to return to her solitary life.

But this is no ordinary rescue. It’s Anahrod’s past catching up with her. These cunning misfits—and their frustratingly appealing dragonrider ringleader—intend to spirit her away to the dragon-ruled sky cities, where they need her help to steal from a dragon’s hoard.

There’s only one problem: the hoard in question belongs to the current regent, Neveranimas—and she wants Anahrod dead.

From Jenn Lyons, the acclaimed author of the Chorus of Dragons series, this soaring standalone fantasy combines conniving dragons, lightning banter, high-stakes intrigue, and a little bit of heat.

I've had my eye on reading a book by Jenn Lyons for awhile now, and when the opportunity to get a preview of the new standalone The Sky on Fire came along, I jumped at the chance. Unfortunately, it just didn't work for me.

The story is summarized pretty capably in the publisher's blurb. Anahrod lives on the very dangerous surface of her world. She has an mysterious background that is hinted at in the book's opening, but at this point neither she nor anyone else knows who or what she really is. She is wanted by a kind of warlord (I think) and goes on the run with her pet (friend) titan drake. She also has some power where she can communicate or assume control over animals. When she is attacked by the warlord's men, she is rescued by some people from the sky "world", or those who live on the very tall mountains (I'm a little unclear about this). This starts a tentative partnership, with potential romance (same-sex for those who care), and an attempt to take Anahrod to the sky. 

I pushed through the first 50 or so pages but really had to force myself to read. I didn't find myself caring about what was happening at all and the characters weren't really very intriguing to me. I can't comment on how the story resolves because I just couldn't keep at it. There are too many other books I want to read to continue pushing through one I'm not enjoying. 

The writing style was okay and I'll  still probably try Lyons's Ruin of Kings series, hoping to be sucked into the story sooner. 

I had the opportunity to preview the audiobook, as well. While the story is the same (obviously), I thought the performance was fine. Lauren Fortgang was the narrator and she did a nice job. It did not really stand out as poor or excellent, either way.

Overall, I can't really recommend The Sky on Fire by Jenn Lyons. It just didn't work for me.

I received preview copies of both the print and audiobook of The Sky on Fire by Jenn Lyons from Netgalley and the publishers in exchange for an honest review.

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