Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day weekend, college football, and a recliner

On Saturday, Trisha took the kids to hang out with some friends, which left me at home for the day.  Thanks to Tom and Donna, I've recently come into possession of a recliner.  Also, Saturday was the first true day of the college football season.  Put all three together and you have a day of bliss.  Say what you want for spa treatments, I'll take my Saturday anytime.  From about 1:30 until 11:00, I barely moved from the recliner.  I watched football, read, and relaxed.  It was quiet, there were some good games, and I was able to lean back and put my feet up, literally.  I can't wait until next Sunday when the NFL season gets underway.  And don't even get me started on New Year's Day.  I may sleep in the recliner on New Year's Eve, just to be prepared for the Bowl fest the next day.  Ah, recliner, we will best friends forever.  Sigh.

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